Kamome Propeller’s Developments to the Present
- Sep. 1924
Itawaza Foundry established to begin manufacturing ship propellers - Mar. 1961
CPH manual hydraulic controllable pitch propeller announced - Dec. 1961
CPA power-driven hydraulic controllable pitch propeller announced - Oct. 1963
Company name changed to Kamome Propeller Co., Ltd. and new plant built at current location in Totsuka-ku, Yokohama - Mar. 1964
CPE electric remote-controlled controllable pitch propeller announced - May. 1966
TF side thruster with fixed pitch propeller announced - Apr. 1967
CPR controllable pitch propeller with built-in reduction gear announced and patents obtained in five countries outside Japan - Jun. 1974
TC side thruster with controllable pitch propeller announced - Aug. 1976
CPC150 10,000-horsepower controllable pitch propeller delivered - Feb. 1979
CPCM developed. Small-sized controllable pitch propellers begin to be widely used - Apr. 1981
Skew blades adopted for controllable pitch and fixed pitch propellers - Jul. 1981
Announces K-7 Rudder high lift flap rudder - Jul. 1982年
Delivers 3000th controllable pitch propeller - Jul. 1985
Joystick control system – MACS developed and announced - Mar. 1987
TCA new-type side thruster with controllable pitch propeller announced - Aug. 1987
Optimum Propulsion Control System – PRO-CON21 released - Oct. 1987
Feathering controllable pitch propeller system developed and exported together with integrated operation control systems - Feb. 1990
Omni-Thruster water jet thruster delivered - Mar. 1992
TFA new-type fixed pitch propeller released - Jul. 1993
Partnership established with Fixturlaser AB and laser precision measuring system released - Oct. 1998
ISO9001 certification obtained for quality management systems - Jun. 1999
15,887-kilowatt (21,600-ps) controllable pitch propellers for roll-on/roll-off ships delivered - Aug. 1999
Optimum Propulsion Control System – PRO-COM CX-300 developed - Jun. 2000
DS Series side thrusters compatible with dynamic positioning systems developed - Jan. 2001
CPC-N improved-type controllable pitch propellers for small ships developed - Jan. 2003
CPC-170BF for high-speed roll-on/roll-off ships delivered - Mar. 2004
Hub cylinder type controllable pitch propeller developed - Apr. 2004
Joystick Control System – MACS-KM developed - Sep. 2004
TCB new-type thruster with a controllable pitch propeller released - Apr. 2006
Controllable pitch propellers for hybrid contra-rotating propulsion systems delivered - Feb. 2008
Delivers 3,000th side thruster - Oct. 2010
Delivers 1,000th K-7 rudder - Oct. 2012
Delivers 5,000th controllable pitch propeller - Dec. 2014
Delivers 4,000th side thruster - Jul. 2017
GATE RUDDER® System developed